Notepad++ hex editor access violation
Notepad++ hex editor access violation

If there is an underscore under one of those letters in your menu, like _E_dit with Notepad++, then use an & before the character in your search (like &Edit with Notepad++). You can search your registry ( regedit.exe) for that text.What is the exact text of the Windows association for “Edit with Notepad++”?.

notepad++ hex editor access violation

nfo files (using the box-drawing characters, etc)? Does the crash happen when you name a plain text file blah.nfo and open it as described? Does it happen with ascii-art-based. nfo file? The thread you linked has some that are just plain text (similar to a readme file), and some that are fancy ASCII-art files. Other pieces of information that might be useful: The best thing to do whenever asking for help in this forum, especially for something that might be version-dependent, is to include the output from ? > Debug Info > Copy debug info into clipboard and paste it in your question (or in a response, in this case). And sometimes, we find that the person asking the question had turned off auto-updates (accidentally or otherwise unknowingly), so was even farther behind in version number, but because there hadn’t been a version push, they thought they were on the newest version. But if you have v7.8.2 and click ? > Update Notepad++, it won’t download an update, because the developer hasn’t yet (as of Jan 27) set the flag on the v7.8.3 release to push it to the auto-installer (it’s usually a 1-2wk delay, to make sure there are no critical regression bugs before forcing it on everyone).

notepad++ hex editor access violation

The problem is, the latest (as of Jan 16) is v7.8.3. Unfortunately, that’s not as descriptive as you might think. I’m using the latest 32-bit version of Notepad++ With what suggested (trying with only the hex editor plugin)…

Notepad++ hex editor access violation