Avengers: Endgame free download
Avengers: Endgame free download

Bonus features include a tribute to the great Stan Lee the tale of Robert Downey Jr.’s casting as Iron Man the evolution of Captain America Black Widow’s dramatic story arc directors Anthony and Joe Russo’s experience at the helm of both Avengers: Infinity War and Avengers: Endgame the making of an epic battle scene with the women of the MCU the creation of Bro Thor deleted scenes a gag reel and more. It's an imperfect movie, but perfectly satisfying conclusion to this arc of the Marvel saga.Fans who bring home Avengers: Endgame will gain hours of additional screen time with their favorite cast members and filmmakers who have shaped the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU). That it works this well is even more of a miracle. Seriously this is like watching someone juggle 10 flaming chainsaws, it's a godamn miracle it works at all. The movie has a big emotional core, and a climactic end that is godamn powerful. Okay so those are my criticisms, what did I like about the movie? I guess everything else? The time travel plot let's us revisit and honor some old moments in Marvel with a new lens in sort of a Back to the Future Part 2 way that's a lot of fun, and it brings back some characters I didn't think we'd ever see again. Also I hate Professor Hulk, he's just not that fun.

Avengers: Endgame free download

This final battle, while boasting the biggest ensemble of Marvel heroes we've ever seen on screen, is weirdly dark and muddied in CGI scenery compared to the battle at Wakanda from Infinity War.

Avengers: Endgame free download

Not only that, Infinity War I think had a better final battle.

Avengers: Endgame free download

At the end of the day, Infinity War was just a wildly new experience, it was such a gamechanger and crowd-pleaser. Overall, I really do like Infinity War better. As a conclusion to over a decades worth of storytelling, it's got a lot to live up to, and it's about as good as you could really hope for it to be.

Avengers: Endgame free download